If you have been mining for gold with us for the past few years, you will recognize some of these NUGGETS I’m going to reprise for the next few months.
Just in case you don’t remember this question, and if you are in a relationship or a marriage, ‘why exactly did you choose the other person in yours?’
In modern times, there are 5 ‘GOODs’ which characterize almosts all early on relationships. Does he/she look GOOD, feel GOOD, smell GOOD, sound GOOD, and taste GOOD? Well this must be the one…at least until a better one comes along or the new wears off this one.
That’s the easy part. The hard part is coming to grips with the influence of the family who raised you. I’ll give you a more detailed discussion of this over the next few weeks and months. Suffice it to say here, you WILL draw into your life someone with whom to be in relationship who looks and sounds and acts a lot like the best AND worst characteristics of the people who raised you. Layer that on top of the 5 GOODs and it brews an unpleasant afterward.
The bad news is it always does, and the worst characteristics weigh heavier than the best characteristics are light as air.
You will have 2 choices when the new wears off. You will figure out how make the “GOODs” persist on purpose and learn how to overcome the bests and worsts, or you’ll simply start over…your favorite 4 letter work will become NEXT!!
Keep coming back on Mondays and learn more about this phenomenon. I promise light and not just heat.