Inauguration Day…

An event we celebrate every four years in our country. It signals the beginning of something. Will it be a fresh start or more of the same ol’ same ol’ with different faces and voices?

Will it be political revolution of just lipstick on a pig?

Will it be a cultural revolution or spiritual revival?

Whatever it is for our nation and Western Civilization…what will it be for you and your relationships.

The song asks Can He? Could He? Would He? Did He?

The solid gold answer is Yes to all of those. In the book of Daniel, the prophet records: 2:28 “but there is a God in heaven”

In Daniel 2;21 “He controls the course of world events;  he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise.” 

What sort of leaf will you turn over beginning today? Will you commit to be kindler, gentler, a better citizen, a stauncher patriot, a volunteer in your community, recommit to your marriage vows, reconnect to your faith?

No single person can bring about another Great Awakening in our land. You must do your part which no one else can do for you. It begins with a revival of Repentance.

How about this…let’s inaugurate a new YOU today as well. Figure out what God wants You to do and then just do it…often and well.