I am certain there are some, but I just don’t know anybody approaching marriage who does not expect Once upon a Time…They lived happily Ever After. All the romance and enthusiasm of courtship, by expectation, expected to extend into marriage.
That is just wrong on multiple counts. How many of you reading this have ever entered into a relationship expecting everything to be just unicorns and lollipops in your marriage. Little did you expect the new to wear off and reality to set in.
I expected my wife to make me happy…you know WIIFM, What’s In It For Me? It had not dawned on me that my job was to serve my bride in every way possible. I should have been thinking…How Can I Serve You Best?
An old and corny story about how little couples really know what blesses each other is about a couple sitting in a seminar answering questions like: what is your wife/husband’s shoe size, favorite color, eye color and flower.
The clueless husband leaned over and whispered, “I think it’s Pillsbury’s Self Rising.” That’s when the fight started.
The real and lasting secret to a lifelong loving and caring relationship begins with developing a Servant’s Heart toward each other. Do you know what blesses your spouse? If not, find out and then do it often and do it well.
Share household chores, bring flowers (her favorite, fellas) for no reason at all, tell each other ‘I love you because________’. (I know I’ve told you that before, but you didn’t do it then so start now.)
Ask him/her, ‘What I I do to serve you today?’ Then do it heartily as unto the LORD…and by the way, this is a unilateral gift you give your spouse, regardless of what he or she does in return.
Honor each other, give a quality example to your children of what a husband and wife should look like. One day you will both put your teeth in the same glass on the nite stand and can hold hands and grin…What a wonderful life we have had, serving each other.

If you have not done so already, take Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Language Quiz…do it now with your spouse. It will give you the key to how to bless each other. It works.