Congratulations: You have survived the Power Struggle Stage

The AWARENESS Stage of Relationships

So, what went wrong…it seemed so right in the beginning. How could I have missed it so badly?

How about this, maybe your failed relationship was not about HER of HIM, maybe it is YOU who can’t get it right yet. Please do not be afraid to fearlessly examine this question. It will be one of the best gifts you can ever give yourself. Here’s how this stage begins

Ask yourself, “Who is the only person who has been in each and every relationship I’ve been in?” ME right?

How about some self introspection and taking some responsibility for what went wrong. Do this instead of just jumping on the next person who looks good, feels good, smells good, sounds good and tastes good. Just cool your jets for a bit and let this stage incubate for you. You will be glad you did.

What unfinished business do I have from my childhood? (You have some). This will take come coaching as you start to understand what the family who raised you has to do with whom you select with whom to be in relationship. All of us bring this to adulthood

What was Family like in the home where you were raised? What sort of model did my parents show me about how marriage works? Were they touchy-feely with each other in front of you kids or were they like ships in the night? Did they fuss and fight? Was there any closeness between those who raised You?

Follow that introspection with this question. What about me makes me a poor candidate for a relationship or marriage.

Be bold enough to take a fearless inventory of YOU before you decide to quit and start over.

Acquire and read books like Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix and Love and Respect by Emerson Eggrichs.

Begin to research about the difference between being a “WIIFM” person (What’s in it for me?) and learn how to have a servant’s heart in relationships (“How Can I Serve You Best?)

Don’t overlook getting this part done before you sign up for another relationship…You will thank me you did.