Oh, my God…it’s too late now

I bet you didn’t know just how much your actions today will impact the lives of your children, if you have them. Or your grandchildren, if you have them.

Scripture reminds us there is a cascading effect on children, grandchildren and great grandchildren from your behaviors today.

By the time most of you will realize this is Truth, it will be too late.

Your children and theirs will most likely model their adult lives and relationships after yours…for better or worse.

Husbands and Wives…Moms and Dads, do you want your children to grow up to be in relationship like yours?

Dads, do you want your sons to grow up to marry women who treat them the way you treat their Mom? Do you want them to grow up to marry women who treat them the way your wife treats you?

Moms, do you want your daughters to grow up to marry men who treat them the way you treat their Dad? Do you want them to grow up to marry men who treat them the way your husband treats you?

Ready or not…it is going to happen and if you have not prepared over the years for a good example, when you recognize I’m telling you the truth, it will be too late to do anything about it.

How about drawing a line in the sand TODAY and make those changes you need for those who come behind you. You can, you must…will you?

A dysfunctional family is often characterized by conflict, instability, and negative behaviors. Here are some common traits and characteristics that may be associated with a dysfunctional family:

  • Criticism and put-downs: Parents in dysfunctional families often criticize a child’s looks, intelligence, value, or abilities, which can have a negative impact on self-image and development.
  • Conflict and arguing: Dysfunctional families often experience frequent and intense conflict, which can create a sense of anxiety and uncertainty for family members.
  • Neglect and abuse: In some cases, dysfunctional families may involve neglect or abuse, which can have long-lasting effects on a child’s physical and emotional well-being.
  • Enabling and codependency: Family members may enable or codependent behaviors, which can perpetuate the dysfunction and prevent individuals from seeking help or changing their circumstances.
  • Lack of boundaries and communication: Dysfunctional families often struggle with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries, leading to feelings of resentment, anger, and frustration.