There is a lot of ink spent on talking about finding a Soul Mate. It is almost ethereal in its grab bag approach about the luck of the draw you might wander about until you FIND your soul mate.
Please let me disabuse you of the notion that you can FIND your Soul Mate. If finding your Soul Mate is a quirk of fate and you must search feverishly to find yours, in 99.4% of you will come up empty.
That’s the bad news…now the good news. A couple of weeks ago we talked about the “5 goods” which propel the start of so many relationships and marriages today.
Looks good, sounds good, feels good, tastes good, and smells good. Those usually persist through the wedding or long term relationships.
Soul mates are created when tow people make a commitment (one of us has to die to get out of this) to become Soul Mates. Any two people who start with the 5 goods can create a Soul Mate relationship.
This is easier to say than to do, but in a nutshell, it involves 1) learning how to communicaate effectively–learning how to listen without judgment and speak without criticism…more interested in being happy than being right. 2) Learning how to have a servant’s heart toward your mate…getting rid of the “What’s In It For Me?” syndrome.
That’s it…any two people who will master these 2 skills can create a Soul Mate relationship. Stick around, more details will follow. Only unwilling spirits will fail.