“By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household.” (Hebrews 11:7)
Do you remember the story? His name was Harry Truman. No, not “The buck stops here” Harry Truman. Not the “Dewey Defeats Truman” Harry Truman. Not the haberdasher from Missouri…not that one.
No, this Harry Truman (October 30, 1896 – May 18, 1980) lived in a rustic log cabin near pristine Spirit Lake in the crisp, cool timberland of Washington State near Mt. St. Helens. He came to brief fame in the months preceding the volcano’s 1980 eruption after he stubbornly refused to leave his home despite evacuation orders, and he is presumed to have been turned into a crispy critter in the eruption.
Geologists and government workers came through the area where he lived and told him it would be prudent to leave his homestead, since pressure was brewing in nearby Mt. St. Helens, and to stay would put his life in danger. I recall watching him one night on television as he told the news media how all the learned authorities didn’t know what they were talking about. He swore at them and told them he was not about to leave. Even more vividly, I recall a helicopter video one afternoon a year later over the gray-streaked remains of Mount St. Helens. Somewhere down below, under hundreds of feet of molten ash, lay the bones and ashes of one Harry Truman–and the dusty, empty hole that used to be Spirit Lake.

Couples sometimes think they can just ride it out, other times they conclude that everybody must be like them, and at other times they are embarrassed to admit there is “trouble right here in River City.” If that’s where you find yourself right now, I urge you to realize that looming destruction can’t be avoided by wishing it away. It requires prayer, counsel, adjustments, and repentance.
Get Some Help—we all need help sometimes
Remember Harry Truman and don’t just sit there…action required. We can help. Give us a call 214.668.2980 or email – dick@dickivey.com. We are here for you. No marriage or relationship ever needs to fail if partners are willing to learn and practice new skills. If not us…do something to preserve the home and family God has created. Go get help!
Pray “Father, make us aware of reality, and give us courage to address those pressures that will destroy our marriage, family and legacy if we don’t get help.”
Give each other one our favorite books:
Making Marriage Simple: 10 Relationship Saving Truths

Bestselling authors and Safe Conversations founders, Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, distill what they’ve learned from decades of research, their counseling and workshops with couples into ten essential and provocative truths about marriage. This book will give you the practical tools you need to transform your relationship and foster a rewarding and joyous marriage.
One Final Note:
Remember your children will likely grow up to have the same kind of marriage they see you model in your home. Are you creating the legacy you want passed on? This is not a dress rehearsal.