I will sing from here to heaven!!

Heavenly Father, I want to link my voice with the whole of creation and rejoice in Your goodness and grace. Thank You for Your great and mighty works and for the gifts and graces You have bestowed on me.

Thank You Your grace is sufficient for all things and all of us and that no one is excluded from Your good and gracious offer of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Thank You for loving me so much You sent Jesus to be the payment in full for my sin.

By the grace and faith You have given me, You have removed my sin as far as the east is from the west and are prepared to do the same for all who will trust in Christ for the forgiveness of their sin. I pray especially for my children and my grandchildren today. May my life be a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and an example for all my family…because You alone are worthy of all praise and worship. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.” (Psalm 100:1)