It’s always too soon to say goodbye…

Dear God, my Father, please bring comfort to those who mourn the loss of loved ones today. Through the tears, hold firm the knowledge that the separation of death is but a blink of time until we shall be once again reunited in Your home.

Thank You for grace and faith and comfort and hope. Help us to grieve not like those who have no hope. I pray comfort for those who mourn today, in the strong and mighty name of Jesus who demonstrated and promised resurrection in HIS time. Amen

Verse for Today: “Now we don’t want you, my brothers, to be in any doubt about those who “fall asleep” in death, or to grieve over them like men who have no hope. After all, if we believe that Jesus died and rose again from death, then we can believe that God will just as surely bring with Jesus all who are “asleep” in him. Here we have a definite message from the Lord. It is that those who are still living when he comes will not in any way precede those who have previously fallen asleep. One word of command, one shout from the archangel, one blast from the trumpet of God and the Lord himself will come down from Heaven! Those who have died in Christ will be the first to rise, and then we who are still living on the earth will be swept up with them into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And after that we shall be with him for ever.” (I Thessalonians 4:13 Phillips)