Personal Grief…even for believers

Dear Father, my heart hurts tonite for Gina who lost her dear friend and boss in a fatal bicycle crash, and for my granddaughter Kynse whose Mom has three strokes this week, and for my grandson Ross who is between jobs, and for Gary who is undergoing chemo and radiation, and for AH who is fighting metastatic cancer, and for Barb’s friend who lost two of her grown daufhters within days of each other, and for my heartbroken grandson, and for ny cousin Byron, and for Paul in his battle for recovery, and for John battling dementia, and for Liz’s eyesight, and for my eyesight and for for Tim’s grief and Steve’s recovery and for Patrick’s recovery…and so many more who hurt today.

And I pray for the health of our country and for the wisdom of those who lead us…and for the protection of Israel.

I just lift all of these before you because I know You know the way forward for us all and I pray Your blessings and wisdom to see Your hand in all, for Jesus’ sake I pray. Amen.

Verse for Today:  “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16b NLT)