Pray for wisdom in high places in our world…

Father, my LORD, there are so many arrogant and ill equipped world leaders who are focused on the wrong directions. Please do your miraculous work of conversion in the minds and hearts of the key rulers in the world.

I pray especially and earnestly for wisdom and Godly wisdom for our President, Congress, and our Pentagon for both restraint and yet a willingness to act when prudent to do so.

I pray for Bibi Netanyahu and the decision makers in the IDF to make wise and humanitarian decisions as they seek to root out the poison which is Hamas and others.

I pray you will curb the appetites of terrorist regimes everywhere so they will stand down.

You alone, my Father, hold the keys to peace and I pray it will come quickly, for the sake of Your Kingdom…may it come on earth even as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name…above all names. Amen.

Verse for Today: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7)