Remind us, O God…You are still in charge!

O, my Eternal Father, You created me in Your own image and likeness, but sin has warped my mind and of all men and throughout the world there is so much injustice and much carelessness of the rights of other people and personal responsibility. It seems like the powers of evil are winning.

Lord when we have excluded You from the hearts and consciences of men, the inevitable result is that people suffer, and LORD there is much injustice and corruption taking place across the world today, not only in the lives of individuals but also in the corridors of power and the council rooms of many nations. The wars and rumors of war and earthquakes make me think the end may be near.

I pray today LORD You will right all the wrongs that are taking place in our world and vindicate those that are being treated unjustly. Keep me Father from trying to take matters into my own hands for vengeance is Yours and You will repay.

But LORD, in your grace and mercy I pray you will bring justice and peace to all those that have been cruelly and unfairly treated by their fellow man and may injustice and carelessness they have had to endure be the means to draw them into Your saving arms of grace – I ask this in the precious name of the LORD Jesus. my Savior. Amen.

Verse for Today: 20 “He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, LORD Jesus! 21 May the grace of the LORD Jesus be with God’s holy people.” Revelation 22:20-21)