Tidbits of encouragement we are on the right path…

Father, I confess I have some trepidation about paths which seem to be opening before me. The prospects of a Country Fellowship in our town and a Sunday morning radio show are daunting tasks.

As I have done for years, I feel in my heart these are directions you want me to go toward. If, for any reason, I am on the wrong path, please make it crystal clear to me so I do nothing to embarrass Your Kingdom or name.

Lead me to the right resources and people who are like minded as we forge ahead, or give me clear and certain Words that I am on the wrong path.

I just want to be Your man in this time and in this place as long as You give me life and breath. I pray earnestly in the strong and mighty name of Jesus, my LORD. Amen

Verse for Today:  God reassured Moses that He would be with him and would give him the words to speak, and that He would perform miraculous signs to confirm His authority. (Exodus 3:12, 20). [Please make it so]