Voting Integrity

Jehovah Shammah, ever present Father, and my LORD, I pray for our nation in these oh so troubling times. People lie and cheat when the truth would serve them better. Please keep me from such an insane corruption of your principles and values.

Help me and those who pray with me today to do what we can to ensure integrity in the elections coming our way. Please give us Godly leaders who will not compromise integrity nor work to disenfranchise the rest of us on the altar of their own grabs for power and riches.

Raise up among us principled leadership not unlike the men and women who shaped this nation and the men and women from the First Century to whom we owe so much for their faithfulness to your call upon their lives.

Pray, You, Father give us courage to do the right stuff in all things, in all ways, and for all the time we have left. Please don’t let it be said of our generation we failed to honor all You have given us.

Watch over all who oversee elections this year. May YOUR will be done in each and all, because I beg this in Jesus’ holy and precious name. Amen


Keep reminding me, LORD Jesus.