June 2024

Be Ye Kind…

Dear LORD God, my Father, please keep my heart soft and my eyes attuned to needs in the world I can meet in Your name. I want to be more loving, caring and sensitive to needs around me be willing to do what I can, in Your strong and mighty Name, to meet those needs. […]

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Make my heart sing Today!!!

Father, as I start out this day, please keep me from thinking several days gang up on me at once. Help me accept each day…today…as a precious gift from You. Fill my mouth with thanksgiving to You for this precious day I can never get back rather than wishing it away. Please accomplish Your purposes

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Leadership in our nation

Dear God, last evening we were exposed to the potential leadership in our nation going forward. Please help us make wise decisions in fair and honorable elections this fall to choose the leadership you want us to have. I long for the days of strong military, sound economy, border security, and the rule of law.

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I’m pressing onward…

Dear God, my Father, I’m pressing on the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday, but still I pray as I onward bound, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground. Lord, lift me up, and let me stand by faith, on heaven’s tableland; A higher plane than I have found, LORD, plant my feet on

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A Country Fellowship…

Dear LORD, I have a holy urge to be part of a Country Fellowship church here in the wonderful town I live in. Please give me wisdom and insight on what to do next. I want to be Your messenger from here until the end. Give me strength, words to say, resources to help, musicians

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Trust…all the time.

Father, sometimes I feel pain of my own and at other times I feel pain for others. Please help me trust You at all times. You know the pain and sorrow I am feeling about our country, our town, and about the couples you send our way, and I know You want me to pour out

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Watch over our couples

Dear LORD, as you send couples to us, please keep us focused on what you want them to know. Guard their lives and hearts from the Evil one and give them hearts of service and healing for each other. Thank You for giving us this ministry, in Jesus’ high and holy name, Amen Verse for

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The Poison of Critical Comments

But no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. (James 3:8) Shortly after midnight on Saturday, April 26, 1986, routine maintenance was in progress at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the north east corner of the Ukraine when an uncontrolled power surge raced through reactor No. 4,

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