June 2024

One Day at a time…Today

Dear GOD, please help me today to keep my perspective squarely on YOU. I know…I know Your Presence is with me always, providing everything I need. I pray humbly not to worry about tomorrow’s needs. Your sufficiency is for a day at a time—today! Help me make the most of Today for all thilngs YOURS, please […]

One Day at a time…Today Read More »

Soften a hard heart, LORD

Father, I am burdened today for my friend Tim who underwent open heart surgery this week. Please soften his heart to the Gospel and do in his heart what I cannot do in sharing Your grace and comfort. I pray for healing of his body and his heart, in the strong and mighty name of

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Today’s NUGGET is respectfully reposted from Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott…some of my relationship education favorites. You’ll love them, too. Here’s a question for you. Do you and your spouse ever dwell on what might have been? Ruminating on alternative scenarios, such as being married to someone different from your spouse, can create tension in

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Here’s an idea…

Father God. how about I just call Your Name. Teach me to give You all my problems and and worry thoughts. I know You will untangle all the knots, and together we will handle whatever this day brings. Can’t wait to see what this day holds. I am Yours, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Verse for

Here’s an idea… Read More »

You are my Rock!

O God, thank You so much that In a world of unrelenting changes, You are the One who never changes. Help me find in You the stability for which I yearn, this I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Verse for Today: “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect]

You are my Rock! Read More »