August 2024

One Day at a Time!

Father, I need to be reminded today and every day. ‘Do not worry about tomorrow!‘ I know You have divided time into days and nights so that I would have manageable portions of my life to handle.  Please keep reminding me…Your grace is sufficient for me, but its sufficiency is for only one day at a time, […]

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Make me stronger, LORD

O God, I know…I know just as gold is refined by fire, so I know my faith is refined by trials—to prove that it is genuine. I don’t like that part of being Your child, but I doing my best to embrace the trials. I am committed to clinging to You in the midst of adversity, so

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Oh, LORD, sometimes I feel like my boat is so small and the storms are so high. When I feel like that, please give me a plain reminder Your endless Love is so immensely satisfying: It helps me know I am treasured and significant to YOU.. Remind me together You and I can handle the circumstances of

Together! Read More »

Please hold my hand…

My Father, I want to Hold Your hand, and walk joyously with You through this day. Please help me not to miss a step with You. Together we will savor the pleasures and endure the difficulties it brings. I pray for Your strong hand to hold me close for Jesus’ sake. Amen Verse for Today:

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Thank You, LORD

Dear God and Father of my LORD, Jesus Christ, You, are my forever-Friend and the eternal Lover of my soul. Thank You for Your immeasurable Grace. Thank You for saving me. I am utterly secure in Your Love! Thank You, thank You…Amen and amen! Verse for Today: “He is also able to save to the

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Help me Focus!!!

God, this morning, as I journey along this pathway, I long to stay aware of Your loving Presence with me. . . . Help me to walk close to You and keep my eyes on the goal: my heavenly home. Please use me here as You will for Jesus’ sake. Amen Verse for Today: “The path

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