For those who never got to take their uniforms off…

Almighty God, my Father

I thank You for giving us this Memorial Day celebration to acknowledge the debt I owe to the men and women of the United States military who have guarded this country with their lives…who never got to take their uniforms off…those who lost their lives while defending this nation. They fought on land, at sea, and in the air, always understanding that they might not come back from the mission and accepting that as part of the job. They were willing to risk death to protect this land I hold so dear and the American people along with it. I thank You for them for their sacrifice and promise I’ll do my best to carry on their legacy to ensure they did not die in vain.

Father, I pray that You strengthen and protect all our military personnel who are serving presently and in the future. Give them the courage to face whatever comes, protect them in battle, and help them prosper in times of peace. Watch over their families, Lord, as You watch over us all. I trust in You and even though I don’t always understand Your ways, I accept that You have a plan for each and every one of us. Please help me fulfill me personal missions, whatever and wherever they may be. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


This was sung at the memorial service of my Uncle Jerry who fought valiantly in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. Gone home to be with Jesus a year ago. RIP. Well done, good and faithful servant.