Put me in Coach!

Dear God, I know that it is Your will to help those who are afflicted, to support the weak, to provide for the widows and orphans and to help those that are in need. Use my hands to be of service to those in need, and use my voice to speak words of healing and […]

Put me in Coach! Read More »

Hold my hand tightly, Dear LORD!

Father, Whenever my life seems really hard, I know You are still with me, holding me by Your right hand. I know this means there’s good to be found in this day and in every day even when it is not evident, because You are always by my side, always loving me. Hallelujah, Amen!! “The Lord himself will go

Hold my hand tightly, Dear LORD! Read More »

I found the source of Music!

Oh my LORD, I take such joy in knowing no matter where I am, You are with me. I’m so grateful that You are my God forevermore—today, tomorrow, and throughout all eternity! Thank you with all my being in Jesus’ strong and mighty name. Amen. When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the

I found the source of Music! Read More »

THIS is not my Home…PTL!

Hallelujah, my LORD and my God. I know I am Your Beloved, I was not designed to find total satisfaction in this world, because I was crafted in Your image. Heaven is my ultimate home and You placed a spark of heavenly matter in my heart so I would seek You. Praising you wonderfully today

THIS is not my Home…PTL! Read More »

Keep me close to You!!

O, LORD, this morning, I ponder this glorious truth: I am alive within you! Just as sap flows from a vine through its branches, so Your Life flows through me. You are infinite and perfect, yet You choose to live inside you, a truth which is so profoundly humbling, I can never thank You enough.

Keep me close to You!! Read More »