Is That All There Is?

Christmas, a much ballyhooed time of the year. The push-pull between all the online sellers and the brick and mortar people…the rush to out decorate neighbors…over spending on gifts that will mostly be forgotten within days…Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Green Tuesday, Cyber Week, Twelve days of “deals.” The hype is everywhere. Drone deliveries, UPS executives […]

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What Do You Really Want?

Your Move with Andy Stanley is a selection of broadcast resources originating from North Point Ministries in Alpharetta, Georgia. Andy just finished a series called What Do You Really Want? In the episode link below, Andy helped us understand that we’ll never get what we really want until we discover what is most valuable. He

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What if…

What if… …You knew when your life was going to end and that the end was imminent? What difference would it make in what you do today? This NUGGET is a testimonial to my little sister, Nan Richards. Three years my junior, we had all the stereotypical big brother/little sister exchanges growing up. Our paths

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Can I Have This Dance?

Doesn’t that make you want to grab your spouse and do a spin around the floor together? For The Gorgeous Redhead and me our song is Anne Murray’s “Could I Have This Dance For The Rest Of My Life“ How about you? Do you and your spouse have a song? I’m not sure what

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What is Love?

It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of person kind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely. –Leo Buscaglia Love is that itchy twitchy feeling, right? It’s all

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Relationship Wreckers, Part 2

Learn to “Mend it” not “End it”! 3 Wreckers to Watch Out For There are more of these, but here are three biggies. Read the description and listen to yourself in conversation with your wife or husband over the next few days. The first step in getting rid of a relationship wrecker is to recognize

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