LORD Jesus, sometimes planning and problems preoccupy my mind, remind me to turn to You and just whisper Your Name. . . . Then remind me to ask You to illuminate the way forward—helping me sort out what needs to be done today and what does not. Control my busyness so I don’t get out […]
Daily Prayers
Pray for the Holy Land
Father, God…God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Jesus and Paul, please extend your watchcare over Your Land these days. You have always been careful to protect and defend Your Promised Land, and today I pray with all earnestness for your miraculous hand in caring for the People of Your Land. Sustain the women
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One Day at a Time!
Father, I need to be reminded today and every day. ‘Do not worry about tomorrow!‘ I know You have divided time into days and nights so that I would have manageable portions of my life to handle. Please keep reminding me…Your grace is sufficient for me, but its sufficiency is for only one day at a time,
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Make me stronger, LORD
O God, I know…I know just as gold is refined by fire, so I know my faith is refined by trials—to prove that it is genuine. I don’t like that part of being Your child, but I doing my best to embrace the trials. I am committed to clinging to You in the midst of adversity, so
Make me stronger, LORD Read More »
Oh, LORD, sometimes I feel like my boat is so small and the storms are so high. When I feel like that, please give me a plain reminder Your endless Love is so immensely satisfying: It helps me know I am treasured and significant to YOU.. Remind me together You and I can handle the circumstances of
Please guard Our quiet times today, LORD
LORD, Jesus, I want to schedulemy day so that You amd I have quiet times together. Help me show You how important You are to me. Please keep me from the busyness which so easily cuts into Our time. Please refresh my soul, and lavish me with Your strength for the day ahead. In the strong
Please guard Our quiet times today, LORD Read More »
Please hold my hand…
My Father, I want to Hold Your hand, and walk joyously with You through this day. Please help me not to miss a step with You. Together we will savor the pleasures and endure the difficulties it brings. I pray for Your strong hand to hold me close for Jesus’ sake. Amen Verse for Today:
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Thank You, LORD
Dear God and Father of my LORD, Jesus Christ, You, are my forever-Friend and the eternal Lover of my soul. Thank You for Your immeasurable Grace. Thank You for saving me. I am utterly secure in Your Love! Thank You, thank You…Amen and amen! Verse for Today: “He is also able to save to the
Thanks for loving me…warts and all.
Dear Father, I’m so grateful that I don’t have to perform at a certain level in order to earn Your Love, or to keep it. I have so little to give You in return. I’m overwhelmed I can receive this Love as pure gift—flowing out of Your own perfect righteousness. Help me be more grateful more often,
Thanks for loving me…warts and all. Read More »
Sometimes I feel little bitty…
Father, Whenever I start to feel afraid, help me to use that fear like an alarm clock that wakes me up and reminds me to come to You. Thank You for keeping the spirit of fear away from me. Today, I am BIG in You…Thank you and amen. Verse for Today: “I give my sheep
Sometimes I feel little bitty… Read More »