Even so, Come LORD Jesus!

Father, as I look at the world around us coming apart at the seams, I long for heaven and home…yet I want to be here as long as I am needed for Your purposes.

Today make me loving and caring and sensitive enough to be messenger for You to someone in need.

Please watch over my children and grandchildren and bring them and those they love to faith in You. Help me be a good example of what belief in You is about.

While I’d like to be here until all my children and grandchildren come to know You personally, even now I pray for the Rapture to come.

If any of mine survive the Rapture, may they come to know You in the Tribulation. I long to see them all in Your presence … in Your time. This I pray in the powerful and eternal name of Jesus, my LORD. Amen

Verse for Today: “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed are those who obey the words of prophecy written in this book.” (Revelation 22:7)