O, my Father…my heart hurts today for my bride who is working so hard. I am grateful for the things we both do to ensure our sufficiency, but I saw how tired she was last night.
There is never a day when I am not desperately and completely in love with her. It is such an honor to have her join me our work with couples. Thank you for all of this.
Here is my petition for today: Bless you for sending Barb to me. I am such a better man because of your gracious gift of her. Give us strength and health to continue to do Your work for as long as You keep us here.
Thank you even more for preparing us a place in your eternal presence when our lives are done.
I pray I can live one day longer than my bride and that we both will be able to continue to minister in Your name for many years to come.
Please send those who need what we do to us and give us wisdom to deliver your healing and hope. These things I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.