Win One for HIM

Dear Father in heaven..and in my heart, everywhere I turn evil seems to be on the throne while right is ever on the scaffold. I hurt over increasing levels of fraud in elections, pursuit to normalize killing unborn babies, weakness in governments, the influx of deadly drugs, rampant crime and lawlessness, riots, murders, food shortages, losses in the financial marketplace, the threat of nuclear conflicts, and the list goes on.

In the face of these times, I am glad to be in the 4th Quarter of my life. I pray You will fix these things which are wrong in our world and soon. I pray for the ability to live one day longer than my bride. I pray You will decide enough is enough and come back for your children. I pray for the salvation and empowerment of my children and grandchildren and my friends.

I know most of the things I ask You for today are way above my pay grade. Help me do my part, and then intervene as You can and will, for the sake of all Your Children still here. Your way, Your Will, LORD Jesus, and in Your name. Amen