Dick Ivey

I need You, LORD!

How often, O LORD do I despise my neediness and work hard to create the illusion of self-sufficiency in my life. However, I know You designed me to need You constantly and to be joyful about my reliance on you. Thank You for guiding me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into […]

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Jehovah Rapha…

O, my Father, Great Physician, I know you heal, sometimes through the knowledge You have given us medically and sometimes miraculously and sometimes you withhold healing, and since I do not know your perfect plans for any of us, I come boldly today to pray for my friends and families to be healed. Help me

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My Redeemer LIVES!

Dear God, my Father, I pray the whole world will celebrate—my Redeemer, Jesus Christ lives! today Thank you, Jesus, for taking on my sin. Thank You for freeing me from death. Throughout my life, my goal is to keep Your Word and confess my sins when I fall short of Your glory. Through Your most

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Bless You, my Father!

LORD, God, my Father, it is a joyous day and I start it with a prayer of thanksgiving to You. Remind me to start each day with a prayer for Your protection. Shield me from misfortune and from those who look to hurt me unless it serves Your purpose for me otherwise. I am Your devoted child

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You are my Strength!

My Dear and Loving Heavenly Father, I am so grateful when life seems to be getting the batter of me, I can run to You and seek shelter in Your promise of salvation. When everyone seems against me, I seek comfort in Your peace. I rejoice when I am standing strong in and with You

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Getting Your head straight…

“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Pr 23:7 NKJV Every family has generational “issues” they struggle with. These are things our parents and grandparents passed to us like addiction, abuse, anger, anxiety, lust, fear, etc. Often we say, “It just runs in my family, I can’t do anything about it.”

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I keep coming back Here!

Have mercy on me, O, my Father, for I am weak when I want to be strong, doubtful when I want to have faith. You are the Lord of all Creation, all-seeing and all-knowing. Despite all of the chances you’ve already given me, I continue to implore You that You look not on my sins

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Adonai! PTL!!

All praise be to God, the Divine Creator! You are Adonai, the Master of the universe. You are Abba, my loving Father. You are Yahweh, the Lord ever-present, the great I AM! You crafted me in Your image and entrusted me with the world, the work of Your divine hands. How great thou art! The

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