Dick Ivey

Blessed and Highly Favored!

Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge. I said to the Lord, “You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from you.”LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance!

Blessed and Highly Favored! Read More »

Break the Cord of Destruction

LORD Jesus, our Great Healer, You alone know how hard we pray for the scores of couples who have come our way to coach and love. The powers of Evil are always looking for ways to disrupt Christian families. Please, please build hedges of protection around all we care about. Please break the cords of

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The LORD is my Hallelujah!

Good Morning,  I love you, Lord, You and You alone are my strength. You are my rock, my fortress and my deliverer in whom I take refuge, you are the mighty protector and guardian of of my salvation, my stronghold.I call on You, Lord, because You are worthy of praise. It is hard to count how many ways I have

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Prayer to Love & Bless My Bride

Lord, our Savior, I thank You for this holy matrimony which had bound my Gorgeous Redhead and me together forever. We praise Your holy name that in this season when we are surrounded by so much spiritual warfare, You have been our rock and shield. Lord, teach us how to be patient in tribulation. Teach

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Traveling Grace…

Dear LORD, so many in our land will be traveling this week and next. I pray for protection for those who drive and those who fly. Life is challenging as well as the road we pass through every day, danger looms everywhere. No clear sight of what is ahead of us nor the kind of

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I saw a thirsty deer…

Dear Lord of all Creation, like the thirsty deer I watched drink from the stock tank in the middle of the drought, so my soul is thirsty after You, O God. I long to sit at Your feet. I long for the day when I can do it in Your presence, Father. I pour out

I saw a thirsty deer… Read More »

Eyes on God…period!

Dear Lord, You who can calm seas, heal diseases, mend broken hearts… I come to You in despair over several of my married friends who right now are in raging storms, with waves crashing around them on all sides. You alone know how our hearts long to help them navigate the storms of life. I

Eyes on God…period! Read More »


O, LORD, why??? Why do you permit diseases to strike Godly people? Why would you permit a normally Godly man to abandon his family? Why would you create or permit havoc to invade the lives of marriage partners? Why??? I have waited in vain for You to answer this prayer of anguish on behalf of

Why??? Read More »

My Heart is Heavy…

Oh, my Father. I hurt today. There is so much grief in the world and much of it has closed in on me today. Friends who are dear have had devastating diagnoses recently, others are facing the pain of being abandoned by a spouse, a good man who was once so in love with You

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