Daily Prayers


Good morning, Father, please help me today to behave in a way which pleases You. Push my selfish needs and wants away and keep me focused on Your plans for me. I want to be a Godly man this day, for Jesus’ sake. Amen Seek His Favor – A good man obtains favor from the

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Dear LORD, please cleanse my heart and mind today, tune my heart to sing Your praises. Please give me what we need to sustain ourselves and keep my thoughts turned and tuned to Your grace on behalf of all whom You have sent me today. In all things I want to pray not my will,

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Dearest Heavenly Father, how prone I am to begin my praying with requests for You to do something or provide something or to keep something bad from happening. I find it hard to Adore You first, Confess my shortcomings, and Thank You for your gracious kindness…and I do it all the time. Please help me



Please, Father, give me a heart of gratitude for all you have done for me…for the times Your guardian angels have kept me from physical harm, for Your wonderful guidance, even giving me Do Overs when I fail. Please nudge me when I am more grateful with my mouth and less grateful with what You



Dear God, this week has been brutal with unknowns, and yet, I rest securely in your love and care for us. So, I choose to focus on your goodness to us…for our health…a place to live…honorable work to do…our health…our children and grandchildren…Godly friends…a place to worship. Thank You Father for everything, recognizing You as

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Confession…ACTS praying

O, God, I’m just an old sinner and too often I’m like Paul who wanted to do right and often did not. I am ashamed when I falter and fail. I now open my heart and soul to you in humble confession. I turn my eyes and heart to you right this moment and ask

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Confession…ACTS praying

Dear God, I come today with an open heart and voice to confess all my hidden sins. I so want to be like King David begging you to create in me a new heart, renew a right spirit within me, and restore to me the joy of my salvation. I commit to you today to

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