In a nutshell…
LORD, I ask today for more of Your Holy Spirit in my life. LORD it can be easy for me to become consumed with the fears that surround me in life, but the good news is, I know just as Your eye is indeed on the sparrow, so also You care for and see me.
Calm my Anxious Heart… Read More »
Regardless of how this day unfolds, Dear LORD, help me remember that I belong to you, and my best desire is to act accordingly. Keep my feet from stumbling and my mind from wandering into distractions that would steal precious time and energy from the most important things you have designed for me. I struggle
Dear God, help me love the life I live right now. Keep me from looking over my shoulder with “O, if only…” regrets or falling victim to future tripping with “One of these days…” Show me the good things I often overlook and help me be content with what I have. Forgive me when I
Help me live in the NOW Read More »
Lord, thank You for Your abundant, abounding grace. I have no idea how I could manage life without You and Your constant presence. Thank You that I don’t have to earn a drop of the mighty river of grace that flows freely for me today. Thank you for the unexpected, unmerited favor you’ve showered on
I bet the answers will surprise some of you. How many of you have talked about ‘falling-in-love.?’ I have a hard time with ‘falling’…you FALL off a horse, you FALL down stairs. The way I see it, FALLING hurts. So, let’s go back a long way to the days of the caveman. How did they
Why did you pick your Spouse? Read More »
Lord, grant me tenacious winsome courage as I go through this day. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don’t go my way. And give me the courage to do whatever needs to be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen. FOOD FOR THOUGHT “For
Courage…all day long! Read More »
Dear LORD, across our land churches are conducting Vacation Bible Schools, and there will be many opportunities to help little children come to faith in Your Son, Jesus. Please empower men and women who volunteer their time to be so loving, caring, and prepared to lead children to an appropriate response to Your call on
Summer Vacation Bible Schools… Read More »
Father, God, my heart filled with such joy yesterday when we got the ruling protecting the lives of unborn children. I pray today for all the believers who have championed the value of unborn lives of little children. God, please help those who have taken this powerful step. Whatever else occurs in this issue as
Praise God for the Courage of SCOTUS… Read More »
LORD Jesus, I am weary and don’t know when this “race” will end in my life. I feel like I’ve been running forever, trying to outrun the trials of the couples You have sent us. Help me to stop trying to outrun my pain, but rather run with endurance the race You have set before
My heart hurts today… Read More »