Use It Up — Wear it Out

I can see them now, Dad in a pair of old pants…the seat worn shiny and threadbare, a long sleeved shirt and a hat to ward off skin cancers to which he was prone…trudging behind his lawnmower at age 90 and Mom in a mousey looking house dress, a dish towel draped over her arm […]

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Summer Time

School is out almost everywhere. Whether you have kids still in school or not, most families are looking forward to or are already on some kind of vacation. If you do have kids in school, the chaos of having them at home begins in earnest. “Mom, I’m bored.” “Can I play on my PS2?” You

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Healing The Walking Wounded – Week 1 of a Five Part Series —No Matter Where You Are, Don’t Give

The year was 1975. I had just completed doctoral studies at Southwestern Seminary a mere four years before and I was the second youngest ever to complete that work. I was slated to return to the Seminary as an adjunct professor that fall with a view toward full faculty status in September. I was on

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This Year I Resolve To:

Live One Day at a Time – Life is not a dress rehearsal. Time cannot be saved. Let’s learn from our past, look to the future, but live in the NOW! Make it happen Today. When you have traded this day off for something, make sure you didn’t leave anything on the table–that the trade-off

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