Finding Joy in the Journey

A Roger Miller song reminds us that “You can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you’ve a mind to.” Joy is such an elusive quality that we often confuse with happiness. Recently we extolled the dangers of depression/worry and some of the things it steals from those of us

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How to Stop Worrying Forever

Somewhere in my life, I picked up the behavior of worrying. About money, mostly, but I can worry about anything, really. I don’t believe I was born worrying, so I must have learned to worry from past experiences and from watching people worry-probably my parents. Actually that’s good news. If you, like me, have struggled

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How to Predict a Happy Marriage

John the Baptist answered, “It’s not possible for a person to succeed. I’m talking about eternal success-without heaven’s help. You yourselves were there when I made it public that I was not the Messiah but simply the one sent ahead of him to get things ready. The one who gets the bride is, by definition,

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Happy Father’s Day

Bates Ivey – My Dad You know, any fool with live sperm can father a child, but it takes a very special man to be a Dad. My Dad was 97 when he shuffled off this mortal coil to his heavenly reward. He was a faithful servant of God, active in ministry of one kind

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Getting It Right

Men, this Nugget is for you. How many of you came to marriage with the notion that your new bride was going to meet all your needs and expectations. She would be a gourmet cook in the kitchen, a wizard at keeping the house spotless. She would be a fashion model in the daytime and

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