Daily Prayers

You are an AWESOME God

Our Father, I thank You that You are a mighty God and that nothing is impossible in You. Father I pray that You will deliver me from the evil attack of the enemy and keep me safely inside Your precious Will. I pray that You will be a fence of protection around me, my wife, […]

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God, my Jehovah Raah (my shepherd), I don’t need a thing. You have always given me a home to live in and  you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction. Thank You even when the way goes through what looks like Death

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The God who heals. Byron Williamson, Godly man in ministry undergoes knee replacement surgery this morning. Father, author of all healing, please be with Byron and his family and the medical team who cares for him. He is doing Kingdom work and I pray earnestly for swift and sure healing. I am comfortable leaving him

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Thanks, Mom!

Heavenly Father, I pray this prayer today to You now in gratitude and praise for the gift of mothers. My mother, those of my friends, relatives, those I’ll never know, just Moms everywhere. Thank You for the role they play in the family unit. Thank You for their teachings and wisdom and patience and understanding.

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God Bless Grandchilddren

God of Wonders and Grace, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from You the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. My grandchildren are a precious gift presented by You; I thank You for all of their lives! I pray that as

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Give us Godly Leaders

Heavenly Father, Your Word declares that I will not be afraid nor dismayed because You are my God. Right now, LORD, I pray for leadership guidance for every leader in our city, our state, and in our Country, in Jesus’ name. I pray that they will exercise faith in You, perehaps as never before, knowing

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Voting Integrity

Jehovah Shammah, ever present Father, and my LORD, I pray for our nation in these oh so troubling times. People lie and cheat when the truth would serve them better. Please keep me from such an insane corruption of your principles and values. Help me and those who pray with me today to do what

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Roe v. Wade…

Oh God, my Father…Abba (Daddy) how my heart hurts over the tensions in our land over killing unborn babies. Some of us already have great-grandchildren, unnamed, who are at home in the bosom of your tender care. Thank You for bringing them home. I applaud efforts to defend the weakest among us who have no

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Dear God, my Precious Father, I can think of nothing my bride and me pray for more than couples who need what You have taught us. Please send those who need us most to our front door and keep our hearts open to love and care for them. I repent of all the wasted years

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